Have you visited our new head office? If not, it's time to do so! Tune in to V-Tower, 23 Bar Cochva St. Benei Brak and discover our awesome office area!
Why do we believe that having a nice office area is very important? If you come into the office in the morning and everything looks uniform, gray, bland and boring, chances are high that your thinking will be the same. However, if you come into a place that's stimulating, your mind will become more creative. And that's exactly what we have as a goal!
We value our employees and want them to be motivated to better serve our clients' needs!
Creative surroundings make employees happy, and it's a good way for management to show it cares!
Today WorldCom Finance employees work in an awesome office, and we also wanted them all to remember the long road they have traveled with us. Upon entering the office, you can see a picture of our previous office, the one when many of our awesome employees got started with WorldCom Finance!
Why have an awesome office?
Why do we believe that having a nice office area is very important? If you come into the office in the morning and everything looks uniform, gray, bland and boring, chances are high that your thinking will be the same. However, if you come into a place that's stimulating, your mind will become more creative. And that's exactly what we have as a goal!
We value our employees and want them to be motivated to better serve our clients' needs!
Creative surroundings make employees happy, and it's a good way for management to show it cares!
Remembering our path
Today WorldCom Finance employees work in an awesome office, and we also wanted them all to remember the long road they have traveled with us. Upon entering the office, you can see a picture of our previous office, the one when many of our awesome employees got started with WorldCom Finance!
Thrilled? Tune in into our new working area and see for yourself!